Before Completion Sideshows

Check my story in Medium for some thoughts on this.

A matter of dispersing attention…

59-5,6>7 // Dispersion to The Army

As I sometimes do, here is a random Yijing reading regarding world affairs and about our country within that context. It may sound counterintuitive to most people but it helps me make sense of what the Hell is going on in our present. This is an answer I obtained on June/24/2017. As you can appreciate, actual affairs proved to be pretty much on the mark. Grab your copy of the I Ching and look it up, or go here: I Ching at (Wilhelm/Baynes translation)

I hope this will be the restart of my Yitoons but I’m making no promises.

Read more here: Medium


20130620-Ipora-02Seek, wherever you are, seek…